Test Data (Deprecated)

Test data for use in sandbox and the demo site


This page is now deprecated as of Jan 31, 2024

See https://developers.slope.so/docs/testing for our updated guide

Our sandbox environment has a variety of shortcuts that can be triggered by the customer's email address to enforce a specific user flow for testing. Generally, these can be seen through https://demo.slope.so/ by selecting from the dropdown.


Aside from customer eligibility, your sandbox environment may need Pay Later terms enabled.

If the widget is displaying an error message, let us know so we can double check your configuration for your needds.

Customer Eligibility

Email AddressBehavior
{any}@Ineligible by default and requires pre-qualification.
{any}+ineligible@Marks the customer as explicitly ineligible.
{any}+skip-pre_qualify@Creates a pre-qualified customer with default limits.
{any}+mask-kyb@Masks first name, last name, and date of birth in prequalification flow.

Plaid Account Credentials

We integrate with Plaid to link bank accounts, and in various flows we redirect the user to Plaid, which prompts for bank account credentials.

Use the following username : password combinations to get the associated behavior described.

Plaid username : passwordBehavior
custom_high_bal : <any password>A high balance bank account that will pass pre-qualification with $100k limits
user_good : pass_goodA regular $100-$200 amount bank account that can be used for checkout. Will not pass qualification.

Payment Methods

In the sandbox environment, you may use different payment method values to trigger failures modes. The other fields (password, CVV, exp dates, etc) can be any value.

Payment MethodBehavior
Card: 4242424242424242Card auth will succeed
Card: 4544249167673670Card auth will fail
Bank: custom_low_balBank charges will fail
Bank: custom_high_balBank charges will succeed

Less Common Flows

You likely won't need to use these shortcuts unless you are testing for specific edge cases.

Order Rejections

Rejection reasons a customer may experience when going through the checkout flow.

Email AddressDescription
{any}+orders-total-max@Order is over the limit of what a customer is allowed.
{any}+orders-total-min@Order total is under the limit of what a customer is allowed.
{any}+outstanding-orders@The customer has too many outstanding orders.
{any}+orders-overdue@The customer has overdue orders.

Reauthentication and Reevaluation

Linked bank accounts on occasion will disconnect, and customers periodically need to reauthenticate their accounts with Plaid. In addition, generally every 30 days a customer is reevaluated and reunderwritten in order to have the most accurate set of limits.

In sandbox, this is off by default to reduce friction around testing. Here's how to explicitly opt-in to these flows.


To simulate a reauthentication flow, add the following email shortcut to the customer email on creation:



  1. Create a customer intent token and open the widget in the payment_methods flow, allowing payment methods to be managed.
  2. Link a bank account through the Plaid connection. With the above email shortcut, any added bank accounts will be linked as needing reauthentication.
  3. Create an order and go through the checkout flow with an order intent. The user will then be shown the reauthentication screen.

*if no bank accounts are added prior to going through the checkout flow, unexpected behavior may occur.


When the following email shortcuts are detected, the following behavior occurs:

  1. Any created orders will be in the pending state
  2. When going through the checkout flow with an order intent, the user will be shown the reevaluation flow and be unable to check out until they have been reevaluated.
Email AddressDescription
{any}+force-reeval@The customer has been reevaluated with the same limits.
{any}+force-reeval_increased@The customer has been reevaluated and their limits have increased.
{any}+force-reeval_decrease_approved@The customer has been reevaluated and their limits have decreased, but they are still able to place their order.
{any}+force-reeval_decrease_rejected@The customer has been reevaluated and their limits have decreased, and are no longer able to continue placing their order.
{any}+force-reeval_ineligible@The customer has been reevaluated and are no longer eligible.

*Once you go through the reevaluation flow as a test customer, the reevaluation will not be triggered again.